Relational Community


Students benefit from relationships within the Briskin Elementary community, among the grades, with faculty, other families and our neighborhood.

Human Development
Parent-Child Events
Intergenerational Day
Family Camping Trip
Family Torah Study


Students from across a range of grades are brought together in small groups.

They meet several times a year, led by a member of our faculty who facilitates each student’s sense of belonging, connectedness, and responsibility in the school community. Havurot activities include holiday celebrations, learning about our school values, participating in community projects and service learning. Students remain in the same Havurah, with their same faculty leader throughout their time at Briskin Elementary School, collectively welcoming their new kindergartners and celebrating the graduation of our sixth graders.


Near the end of the school term, the Briskin Elementary has an Open House evening event, where children and their parents visit their classroom to view a portfolio of the work the student did throughout the year.

In addition, they have the opportunity to explore other classrooms to get a preview of what they’ll be learning as they progress through the different grades. And there’s always an all-school Art Show, featuring a piece by every child in the school, on display in a gallery-like setting.


Several times throughout the year, we have all-school spirit days to celebrate special events and holidays.

Spirit Days are designed to build community and enhance school spirit through dress-up, special activities, and assemblies. Some of our annual spirit days include Dr. Seuss’s birthday with an all school read-in, pajama day, a Purim parade, and an end of the year summer-themed celebration.

Our students and faculty look forward to these days of fun and spirit!