Language Arts


Briskin Elementary uses a developmental, balanced approach to teaching reading.

From kindergarten onwards, students peruse a vast array of stories, literature and tales from American, world and Jewish sources. Our librarian as well as our Rabbis are master storytellers, and our faculty facilitates deep discussions. A community of book lovers, students, faculty, and parents engage with the written word in a vibrant literary environment. Students form book clubs, the librarian and teachers share their love of literature and the entire community shares book recommendations.


Writing is a treasured activity.

Walking through the halls, one can read the students’ stories, revel in their poetry and experience the richness of their lives and imaginations as expressed in words. In our writing program, children generate their own topics for stories and compositions and write authentically in their own voices, developing their unique styles that draw upon the qualities of good writing in a variety of different genres. Our students enrich their writing through text to self, text to text and text to world connections.