Arts and Music

At Briskin Elementary School, The Arts are cultivated and emphasized.

In addition to the many intrinsic ways that art enriches the lives of children, numerous studies have shown that students who are exposed to a stimulating arts program tend to do better in all areas of the curriculum, academically and socially. Our deep commitment to all the arts—visual, musical, dance, and performing—exemplifies this dedication to developing well-rounded students who relish a wide variety of experiences

Our art program is an essential part of the Briskin Elementary School. Children are encouraged to explore and expand their creativity, while also developing skills and technique, in a nurturing, supportive environment. Longer-term projects foster a sense of tenacity, and the variety of materials opens up vistas of possibility. At Briskin Elementary, the arts are not just icing on the cake …. they’re serious nourishment!

Every student is a musician. Our music education program exposes students of all ages to music from around the world, incorporating singing, movement, dance and active listening.

Students perform vocally and instrumentally at our annual Global Fest world music performance, our original musical production Intergenerational Day, and for various Jewish holidays throughout the year. Each student becomes familiar with all of the elements of music and in the process, finds his or her own sense of joy in music making.

The narratives we tell and retell profoundly affect the way we see ourselves, others, and the world we live in. Performing arts training is deeply rooted in a study of storytelling and its impact on the ways we perceive our humanity and the humanity of others. Through dance and drama, children cultivate a profound awareness of self. They are encouraged to ask big questions, take big risks, stay curious, and imagine wildly.

We invite our school community to join in honoring cultural traditions of performance from around the world at Global Fest. Students in each grade learn about a foreign country and prepare to share what they’ve learned through a performance of music and dance. Deep study of technique and the cultural history surrounding each of the rich traditions that make up the fabric of the global arts community become the focus as we close our studies in celebration.